Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Right Does Not Care About People

Today, President Obama will call on Congress to step up federal supervision of oil markets & give regulators new authority over energy traders.  Most Americans have been screaming about high oil prices for, what, years? Decades?  Part of the problem causing high oil prices, as we figured out several years ago, has little to do with supply and demand; it has everything to do with price speculation; a guessing game about how much oil will cost in the future and betting on whether or not speculators are right.
President Obama will call for regulation of these speculators that artificially drive up gas prices to the consumer, that would be you and me, but the Republicans in our government, will tell you that regulation is bad.  There are no exceptions; regulation is bad and must be destroyed, in the eyes of the Right.  As you pump $4.00/gallon gas into your tanks, think about all of this. 
The Republicans are taking care to make sure the people making profits off the gasoline you pump continue to make profits and, even better, make more money and bigger profits.  In effect, they are facilitating the gas and oil companies taking money out of the pockets of consumers, that would, again, be you and me.  Think about how, as the money is pumped into your gas tank, how you are creating jobs with that money through higher prices, according to the Republicans.  While I would argue it is not creating more jobs, just putting more money into the pockets of corporations, if it does create jobs, does that make you feel better?  Does that help you feed your family, pay your bills, make your mortgage payments? 
The Republicans are all about making sure the rich get richer and if the poor get poorer, that is no problem for them at all.  If the middle-class get poorer, they don't care about that either, because the poor and middle class do not make the kinds of campaign contributions that Shell and Exxon do.  Politicians take care of their clientele group.  Obama wants to take care of people and, contrary to the opinion of Mitt Romney, corporations are not the people; at least not the minority of people we need to be taking care of at the expense of the rest of us...okay, just those that drive cars.

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