Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore !!

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post in violation of one of my rules, I wrote while I was angry.  I really don't think it would have made any difference how long I waited, I would still be angry, so today, I wrote a letter to my Congressman.  I asked him to make a motion to censure Allen West for remarks he made about Democrats in the House of Representatives.  I post it here and invite you, through the wonders of cut and paste, to send it to your own Representative, especially if you are a resident of the State of Florida.  We have to prove we are not all mindless rednecks here in Florida.

April 12, 2012

Honourable Thomas J. Rooney
United States House of Representatives
1529 HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Re:  Censure of Representative Allen West

Dear Representative Rooney:

In light of recent comments by Representative Allen West (FL-22) that 78 to 81 Democratic Members of the House of Representatives are Communists, I call upon you to make a Motion to Censure Congressman West for his statement.
While Representative West most certainly has the Right of Free Speech, which I have defended with the offer of my life in the United States Military, he does not have the right to make such a blatantly false statement.  Representative West engages in the worst kind of red baiting, reminiscent of Joseph McCarthy, for whom one of the most vile terms in American politics is coined; "McCarthyism".
Mr. West's comment is not only untrue; it defames and brings into disrepute the House of Representatives.  His conduct is not in keeping with the respect due Members elected to the House of Representatives and is an embarrassment to the State of Florida as a whole.  Further, Representative West has refused to acknowledge the falsity of his comment and, in fact, continues to use it as a badge of honor and a method of raising funds for his re-election campaign.  This conduct is abominable and disgusting, and should not be tolerated.
It is your duty to seek condemnation of Representative West and attempt to undo damage he has done to the image of The United States Congress and The Great State of Florida.  Thus, as my Representative in the House of Representatives, I respectfully request you make a motion under the House rules to have Representative West Censured.
Sincerely yours,

William A. Miller

1 comment:

DLW said...

While zealots on both sides of the political spectrum have always been known to bend the truth depending on their skewed view of the world, it does appear that those on the neanderthal right have created and are living in their own parallel universe. From their actions and comments this universe has evidently become a very special prism through which they view all issues and makes them incapable of acknowledging any facts contrary to their beliefs.

This parallel universe is known to all of us and it is likely that at one time or another we have all experienced its effects which are usually brought on by an overwhelming feeling of being absolutely just and right. Many of us who believe that we are rational beings assimilate facts, review options and then we attempt to make correct decisions based on our knowledge and judgment. However, with every important decision there is that lingering self doubt stemming from our understanding that we are only human, and that we are going to inevitably be wrong sometimes. If we are, we attempt to clean up the mess we have made, adjust our decision making, and move on with tough lessons having been learned.

Think though how it would be if you knew you were right! No doubt, no vacillations in making decisions, no lingering questions. If you had the answer, without reservation, to all of the personal, social, and geo-political-economic decisions that needed to be made. What bliss, what relief, what certainty, what conviction you would have. Truth be told, the only irritation in your life would be having to deal with the irrational, sophomoric, idiots that do not see the correct answers to life’s problems.

You do not need to compromise on any issue as you are right, and because you are right any of your opponents “facts” which disagree with your being right, logically must be wrong. No one can ever accuse you of being unfair, because you are right and isn’t doing the right thing inherently fair? The euphoria of self righteousness and of correctness is overwhelming and takes a grip on people similar to that of the sirens call heard by lemmings as they march to the sea.

Our revered Congressperson West adds but the next twist to self righteousness, demonization. Throughout history military leaders found that it was far easier to convince soldiers to not only kill but to eradicate an enemy if they could erase their enemies humanity through the use of class or race characterizations. We are all familiar with the tactic; merely think of all of the de-humanizing vile names we have called our enemies, or merely our own racist screeds against blacks and African Americans for most of our countries history. When you do not think of people as human it is easier to lose your civility. Such is the very nature of name calling. So, the antithesis of a capitalist would naturally be a communist, and as we are do not believe like Allen West, we must be communists. The logic seems clear. What don’t you get?