Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore !!

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post in violation of one of my rules, I wrote while I was angry.  I really don't think it would have made any difference how long I waited, I would still be angry, so today, I wrote a letter to my Congressman.  I asked him to make a motion to censure Allen West for remarks he made about Democrats in the House of Representatives.  I post it here and invite you, through the wonders of cut and paste, to send it to your own Representative, especially if you are a resident of the State of Florida.  We have to prove we are not all mindless rednecks here in Florida.

April 12, 2012

Honourable Thomas J. Rooney
United States House of Representatives
1529 HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Re:  Censure of Representative Allen West

Dear Representative Rooney:

In light of recent comments by Representative Allen West (FL-22) that 78 to 81 Democratic Members of the House of Representatives are Communists, I call upon you to make a Motion to Censure Congressman West for his statement.
While Representative West most certainly has the Right of Free Speech, which I have defended with the offer of my life in the United States Military, he does not have the right to make such a blatantly false statement.  Representative West engages in the worst kind of red baiting, reminiscent of Joseph McCarthy, for whom one of the most vile terms in American politics is coined; "McCarthyism".
Mr. West's comment is not only untrue; it defames and brings into disrepute the House of Representatives.  His conduct is not in keeping with the respect due Members elected to the House of Representatives and is an embarrassment to the State of Florida as a whole.  Further, Representative West has refused to acknowledge the falsity of his comment and, in fact, continues to use it as a badge of honor and a method of raising funds for his re-election campaign.  This conduct is abominable and disgusting, and should not be tolerated.
It is your duty to seek condemnation of Representative West and attempt to undo damage he has done to the image of The United States Congress and The Great State of Florida.  Thus, as my Representative in the House of Representatives, I respectfully request you make a motion under the House rules to have Representative West Censured.
Sincerely yours,

William A. Miller

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I am violating one of my personal rules in that I am writing and publishing my opinion in a blog post while angry….very angry.  Part of the reason I am so incensed is because Congressman Allen West represents me in the House of Representatives; well, my Congressional District, anyway.  If there were a man who does not represent me, my views and how I feel, no better example could be produced than Allen West.

Congressman Allen West (D-FL22) made a statement yesterday that he “heard” there were dozens of [as many as 80] Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives who are members of the Communist Party.  He made this statement during a town hall meeting at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. 

I do not have polite words to describe this kind of tripe.  This crap is B.S. and if Congressman West truly believes this to be the case, he needs to take a long rest at the mental institution of his choice, or the choice of the Judge that commits him.  If he does not believe this, then he is a red-baiting S.O.B. that is an abomination, the likes of which has not been seen since the days of Joseph McCarthy for whom the term McCarthyism is coined. 

I believe that, as a Congressman, Allen West has become a threat to others; mainly, We the People of the United States, for his reckless disregard for the truth.  I am fearful that we are about to see the rise of another era of McCarthyism, and it scares the Hell out of me.  West needs to be stopped, quickly and hard, for making such bogus statements. 

McCarthyism is the practice of making reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries.  I can think of no better term to fit what West is doing.  What appalls me even more is the cowardly way he practices McCarthyism.  He uses weasel words.  His response will be, no doubt, “I didn’t say there were dozens of Communists among the Democratic members of Congress.  I only said I heard that there were dozens of Democratic members of Congress who were Communists.”  The saddest thing is that there are people who actually believe him!!

Like Joe McCarthy, Congressman West does not name the Communists because, again, he only heard they existed.  How could he possibly know who they are?  This is the classic technique used by McCarthy in the “Second Red Scare” of the 1940’s and 50’s.  He gave numbers that dwindled and dwindled and dwindled, never naming names.  He held hearings (The House Committee on Un-American Activities) that ruined countless lives, resulted in the Hollywood “Blacklist” and is a scar on the body politic of this country. 

Congressman West now engages in activity reminiscent of Joseph McCarthy, a man so vile that one of the most derisive terms in politics is based on his name.  What’s next; he holds out a list of the names of the 80 members of the House of Representatives who he purports to be Communists, but refuses to identify them or show the list?  West is already referring to any proposal or program with which he disagrees or takes exception as “Socialism”, much akin to the accusations of “Communist” or “Red Plots” of McCarthyism.   Will we once again hear the terms “fellow traveler”, “pinko”, “Fifth Columnist”? 

In previous posts, I have compared the tactics of the neo-conservative, fascists of the ultra-Right to that of Hitler and the Nazi's.  Allow me to reiterate it is a comparison of tactics, not character, nor beliefs.  Hitler used "The Big Lie."  The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."  This is, in my mind, clearly an example of that tactic in action.

Congressman West was apparently once a good American.  He was a member of our armed forces and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.  He did so only after he was prosecuted by Court Martial for engaging in interrogation techniques that violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice while he served in Kuwait.  I would opine that somewhere along the way to this incident, and his declaration that there are dozens of Communists among the Democratic members of the House of Representatives, West “lost it” and he lacks the judgment necessary to hold public office.  That, or he is a complete moron for making such reckless, defamatory comments.

The allegation, as heinous as it is, must be challenged, immediately, and not allowed to fester like the Cancer that became McCarthyism.  I believe this demands a Congressional Censure.

In an abundance of caution, in the incredibly unlikely event that he could conceivably be right, he must be called upon to immediately identify the source who told him this, where he heard it, or what proof he has that makes him believe there are dozens of Communists in Congress.  If he does, in fact, know who these Communists are, he must reveal them, and, quite frankly, God help him if he can’t prove it.  His political career may be lapsing into critical condition, but if he publicly identifies someone as a Communist, and he is wrong, he can probably count on being a pariah for the rest of his life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Let me reiterate my point that I am not on one side or the other, neither pro-Trayvon Martin, nor pro-George Zimmerman in the case of the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.  I do think that there must be lessons taken from this incident, and I acknowledge that these lessons come at far too high a price.  In this case, the price is the destruction of two lives, but if those lives are not to have been lost in vain, we must learn something.  My particular lessons are focused on how to deal with the law as it now stands, not how some perceive it should be.

When George Zimmerman got a concealed weapons permit, he was granted a privilege.  He was authorized to carry a firearm.  He had, within easy reach, the means to take the life of another.  There are those that would argue that, under the Second Amendment, it was his right to carry a firearm.  Regardless of whether it is a right or a privilege, when you choose to carry a gun, you have a certain responsibility.  Whether you are a private citizen with a concealed weapons permit or a police officer, you have a far greater responsibility than someone that does not carry a gun.  Not even the most diehard NRA Life Member would disagree with this statement.

I have, over the years, adopted certain absolute rules for the carrying of a firearm.   

1.       Never mix firearms and alcohol.
I would think that this would go without saying, but the number of beer-drinking hunters that shoot themselves and others every year would say I am incorrect and it must be stated.  If driving a car while drinking is dangerous, multiply the problem ten fold when the expressed purpose of the item being discussed is to kill.

2.      Never go anywhere or do anything with a gun that you would not go or do without a gun. 

Here is where George Zimmerman probably made a crucial error.  He probably chose to confront or follow Trayvon Martin, in part, because he had a gun and could defend himself, if necessary.  Unfortunately, George seems to have put himself into a situation where it might, and ultimately did,  become necessary, at least in his mind.  I was a cop.  I wore a bulletproof vest and a gun.  Let me assure you there were situations I did not want to go into knowing I had both, but it was my job.  I had received a lot of training and had a lot of experience, and I could call a lot of back-up on the radio if need be, but I still would have preferred not to have gone into these situations.

 George was a civilian volunteer.  At the risk of making inaccurate assumptions, I doubt he was properly trained and/or properly equipped to deal with the situation that developed.  Had he been, he would have followed a basic rule; wait for back-up to arrive.  If there are multiple people dealing with a “suspicious” person and the guy gets violent, it is doubtful he will be able to overpower two or more people you have summoned on the radio.

No radio, no back-up, no training and no judgment made for a fatal situation in this case.  George ran out of good options real quick when he decided not to disengage himself from the situation and just leave.

3.      Remember, every encounter you have with every individual is an armed encounter.

This is puzzling to many people.  It is an armed encounter because you brought the gun!  In the “good” armed encounter, the person with whom you are dealing never knows it is an armed encounter.  Your firearm remains concealed; you do not tell anyone you have a gun, and there is no need to pull, display, brandish or otherwise produce your firearm, because when you do, there are generally only bad options.

Really, really bad option one, you pull your gun, it is taken from you and used to shoot you.  It does not get much worse than this.  Police spend hours and hours in police academies all over this country training in “firearms retention”.  Holsters are made for police officers that make it as hard as it can be for someone to take the gun out of it if you are not the police officer carrying it.  (I have actually seen holsters torn from the gun belts of police officers by the grips of the gun with the gun still in the holster.  The gun could not be fired because the trigger was not accessible to the guy that had torn the holster off the belt.  In the case to which I refer, the gentleman was immediately rendered unconscious by a nightstick over the head.).  I am willing to bet that George Zimmerman did not get any of this training and had none of this equipment.

I have no particular sympathy for someone that pulls a gun, not in self defense, but as a means to enforce their will on someone or attempts to gain compliance and then ends up having to shoot someone because they were trying to take the gun away from them.  “I had to shoot him to prevent him from shooting me with my own gun?” 

Bad option number two, you pull your gun and the guy looks at you and says, “Go ahead, shoot me!”  Ridiculous you say?  I beg to differ.  I learned this lesson the hard way, several times.  I pointed a gun at a few people in my career that literally looked at me and said, “What are you gonna do; shoot me? “ Since they did not have a gun and posed no imminent threat to my life, I uttered an obscenity, holstered the weapon and, as they say, the fight was on.  Fortunately, the back-up I had called for on the radio arrived before I got my ass kicked too badly.

Bad option number three, the “bad guy” does exactly what you tell him to do.  Now you are standing around wondering what to do next.  The bad guy puts his hands up, lays face down and now poses no threat to you.  What do you do?  The problem with this scenario is that it can turn into bad option one or bad option two quickly.  My personal policy is that if I carry a gun, I carry a pair of handcuffs.  I cuff the guy to a tree, light pole or some other immovable structure and then I can notify the authorities without having to worry about being attacked.  I will warn you that cops spend hours and hours and hours learning how to cuff a bad guy, because you have to do so up close and personal.  It is really easy to get overpowered in this situation and end up fighting over your own gun.

Bad option number four:  you have to shoot and maim or kill someone.  I don’t care who you are, I’ll bet there are very few people that don’t believe that George Zimmerman, had he to do it over again, would never have confronted, much less shot, Trayvon Martin. 

4.      Never use deadly force or the threat of deadly force unless your life is in imminent danger. 

You have to legitimately be able to say, “Sh*t!  I am about to die, and right now, if I don't do something!!”  Note; I said legitimately.  As I said, I have no particular sympathy for a guy that encounters an individual and, because he mismanages his firearm, finds himself fighting for his life.

Had George Zimmerman been properly trained, properly equipped and used proper judgment, we would not be having this discussion.  I do not understand why a Neighborhood Watch Captain would be carrying a gun in the first place, but that aside, George Zimmerman, in my humble opinion, exercised horrible judgment.  I do not know whether that bad judgment rises to the level of criminal culpability, but it set into motion a series of events that led to the death of one young man and the destruction of two lives; Martin’s and Zimmerman’s.  The only thing we have left to do is to learn something from it, otherwise the destruction of those lives was truly in vain.