Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Teapublicans Can't Have It Both Ways

One of the things of which you may have been aware, unless you are living on a desert island in the South Pacific or under the proverbial rock, is that the Teapublicans have closed down the government. Yes, the Teapublicans, or Tea Party faction of the Republican Party, are the primary, mostly responsible party in the government shut down. I have already sent handwritten letters to my Senators and Representatives, stating simply, "I hold them responsible, I vote and I will remember this!" Of course I got back what can only be described as B*LLSH*T, thanking me for my input, but basically dismissing me.

The thing that looms large in the very, very near future is the Debt Ceiling. The Teapublicans again, want to hold this hostage like an eight-year-old on a playground.  If we don't get our way, we will take our ball and go home. Actually, a more accurate description is the Teapublicans have doused themselves and the country in gasoline and they are holding a lighter in their hand threatening to burn the country to the ground if they do not get their way. Sure, they will perish, but they will take everyone and everything with them. Well, actually, that's not quite accurate, if you believe them, which I don't....

The Teapublicans tell us on one hand that they will reduce the country and the economy to ruins if ObamaCare isn't unfunded, if the rich don't get more tax breaks and if the United States is not taken back to the 19th Century, politically. However, they also want to try to make sure that they don't look like the complete flaming (pardon the pun) morons they are. So, they also argue that if they do cause the United States to default, it won't be such a bad thing. Denial is a wonderful thing and clearly there is no one so blind as one who will not see.

The Teapublicans expect to bring rational, reasonable people to their knees by threatening an economic holocaust, but then, in the same breath, claim it will have little or no impact on the country. This is one of the worst, and most obvious, examples of complete hypocrisy I have seen in a quite some time. It is the classic politics of threatening to do bad things if they don't get their way, but then, if the bad thing happens, well, it won't be very bad.

So, which is it Tea Party? You won't raise the Debt Ceiling and crash the economy if you don't get your way, or it won't crash the economy? You are engaged in a pointless act that will accomplish nothing, by your own logic. Well, it may have one advantage; people in this country may figure out that the Teapublicans are bunch of raving lunatics who, like Lemmings, will follow each other off a cliff and possibly not see a majority in either house of the Legislature for several decades. Hey, past Republican shutdowns have gotten us Democratic Majorities in both Houses of Congress and Bill Clinton re-elected. Do these idiots never learn?

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