Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My devoted fans, all four of you, have noted I have been missing from the blogosphere for a while.  I have fallen into that dreaded writer’s block that has me with no motivation.  Normally, when people like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry are running for President, I am invigorated, but the idea of any of the neo-fascist, Right-wing, Conservative faction of the Republican Party actually getting elected has been too depressing for words.  In what sane world are any of these wing nuts viable candidates for the Presidency?

Having monitored the various complaints regarding them, I have noted their replies to these various complaints.  Mostly, it is them saying, "Well Obama...(fill in the blank with some sort Conservative obfuscation)."  I abhor the idea that when confronted with a negative statement about you, your position or a statement, instead of defending it, these morons prefer to attack the opposition.  The really sad thing is people are buying into it.  In what world is the correct response to "You are a bad person!" "Well, I am not as bad as him!"  Have we been reduced to choosing the lesser of the evils?  The idea has just depressed me beyond belief.

My response to this lowering of expectations has been to throw myself into reading books on economic theory. Yes, economic theory.  I have managed to lay my hands on the collected works of Paul Krugman, economist, blogger, NY Times columnist and liberal.  He is a Professor of Economics at Princeton (the alma mater of my Father and Uncle, so I may be biased).  Oh, and he received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2008.  Not too shabby, really...I should have this kind of cred.

I shall return to the blogosphere, hopefully knowing the different views of John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, Arthur Laffer and William Phillips and my new hero, Paul Krugman.  Stand-by to be bored out of your gourds with my views and insights on the economy, and why I believe we are probably headed into another recession...and yes, I blame it on the Conservatives in Congress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did miss you Bill--assumed/hoped a happy personal life was the priority (smile). Certainly these candidates could inspire some comment. Perry scares me!
If you can dumb down the economic tomes I'll give it a try.
Heard Bill Clinton speak at a Fire Fighter convention last week and his point was you can't have a dysfunctional government and expect to have a strong economy--good government and strong economies go together.