Monday, June 6, 2011


The disloyal opposition, the Right Wing, have a number of interesting characteristics.  One of these is that they treat words much like a soldier treats bullets.  A soldier, in a firefight, is pretty much winning right up until his gun goes click, click, click instead of bang, bang, bang.  The Right argues in much the same manner.  They treat words like bullets.  As long as they are talking, they feel like they are winning.  The easiest way to win an argument is never shut up long enough to let the other side speak.  We have seen this in action in various forms.  The filibuster in an environment of no cloture, Rush Limbaugh shouting down, well, almost everybody and Fox News taking the path of representing as the truth the Right Wing perspective on all issues.

Of course, they also tend to make fundamental promises they are not going to keep.  This is much akin to Charlie Brown and Lucy.  Year after year, Lucy promised not to yank the football out from in front of him; and like the people of this country, he believed her, only to have the ball pulled away as he sailed through the air, screaming that phrase, “AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!”  Even so, year after year, he believed her and followed even the most tenuous logic, he trusted her.

I wonder if the American People can be fooled as long as Charlie Brown was?  God, I hope not.

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