Monday, May 16, 2011

Donald Trump Not Running for President… Who’da Thunk?

"The Donald" announced today that he was no longer running for President.  Well, I guess that statement assumes he was ever really was running for President.  Hopefully, with his dropping out at this early stage, he has damaged his creditability to the point of being a Pat Paulson candidate in the future.  You remember, he was that Sad Sack-type character from the Smother’s Brothers television show, whose presidential runs were perennial for 30 years beginning in 1966.  (He died of Cancer in 1997, and I, for one, miss him). 

Ron Paul’s campaigns have also been compared to Paulson’s.  Personally, I think they look a lot alike and that is part of the reason for the comparison.

After due deliberation, and hindsight being 20/20, I am not sure, given the tumult of the late 60’s and Watergate, that we would not have been better off electing Paulson than Richard Nixon.  He would have at least been fun to watch.  I look back on that time with some fond memories and I still have about half a dozen "Nixon" campaign buttons that my parents collected.  Dad is spinning in his grave at my Liberal leanings of today, but as usual, I digress, again.

Donald Trump is, to give credit where credit is due, a master of self-promotion.  He will, no doubt, write a book, produce a television show and/or take his “experiences” on the road, claiming to have been forced out of the race by some deep, dark conspiracy or some other reason that will absolve him of any responsibility for the decision. 

Mark my words, it will be a, “I didn’t quit, I was forced out.” sort of thing.  He will also, having given up, make the incessant claim that, of course, he would have won.   Being “The Donald”, I doubt he will ever acknowledge having “quit” as “The Donald” would never acknowledge being a quitter, of anything, for any reason.  No matter how laughable, it will be impossible to prove him wrong.

In any case, Trump will turn this “event” into some sort of income stream for himself.  That is what “The Donald” does, and he does it very well.

I look forward to watching the tortuous revisionist history in which he will engage to achieve his personal goals.  It should be a very interesting show to say the least.

1 comment:

DLW said...

You are far too kind to Donny. The Donald is nothing but a self grandizing media whore whose goal in life is to prove Andy Warhol wrong. Donny is not satisfied with merely 15 minutes, but wants a lifetime of fame. I would not be so critical if there was any indication that The Donald believed even a scintilla of the bat guano he espoused concerning the birther issue, however he does not. Donny is an intelligent, experienced, and proven businessman, but his venture into politics has lowered him to nothing more than a street corner huckster. Fortunately even he could not take it and he did the only intelligent thing, and he fired himself.